October 6th Solidarity Sunday


Oct 06 2024


All Day

4 Responses

  1. I’m interested in supportive resources in preparation for Solidarity Sunday.

    1. Great! If you click on “get resources”, you’ll be able to download all the resources. So glad you can participate!

  2. I would like to participate in Solidary Sunday on October 6. But I do not see any details about how to participate. All I see is a list for resources. Would you please explain what is entailed in this event. I am so heartbroken that the Catholic Church will not come out and criticize the genocide of the Palestinian and now Lebanese people. I tried to give a talk at my local Catholic Church on how Israel was created using historical resources from Jewish, Christian and Arab scholars. The church said it was too controversial.

    1. Hi! Yes, Solidarity Sunday is resources for you to use with your church, small group, family, etc. There isn’t anything communal going on exactly with CMEP, but we wanted to give resources to help you facilitate something. We’re sorry to hear about your church. That’s more common than many would imagine. We will be having a service that anyone could participate in virtually.

      Hope that helps! Any other questions, please email us info@cmep.org

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