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Current Action Alerts:

During the Advent season (through Orthodox Christmas) Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP) and other partners are joining together to call for a suspension of arms sales to Israel and push for a comprehensive permanent ceasefire and an end to all violence. As Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank continue to suffer under the Israeli military aggression, the United States must end its active participation in the ongoing violence by halting all arms sales to Israel.

The United States government cannot play a proactive role in working to bring a durable and lasting peace to Israel/Palestine while it continues to supply weapons to Israel that are used in violation of U.S. law. International human rights organizations have documented how U.S. provided weapons have been used by Israel to kill civilians in Gaza. Before Congress ends their work for the year, it is critical your elected officials hear directly from you.

As Christians prepare for the season of Advent where we celebrate the Prince of Peace, please consider joining CMEP in our Advent not Arms campaign. Make your voices heard today by letting your members of Congress you want the U.S. government to prioritize peace and an end to violence over continuing to supply weapons that will cause further death and destruction


Call your congressional offices and demand a ceasefire. Right now members of Congress need to hear from constituents in support of a ceasefire in Israel/Palestine. As the situation on the ground continues to deteriorate, a ceasefire is desperately needed to ensure there is no further loss of life. Call your members of Congress and let them know you support a ceasefire, the release of civilian hostages, and the immediate and adequate distribution of humanitarian aid in Gaza.


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Read CMEP's

Past Action Alerts

Learn more about ways CMEP has taken action in the past through our past action alerts. Follow the links to see more information, but please note that these action alerts are no longer active requests to Congress and should not be filled out.

Support Rep. Bowman and Sen. Sanders letter to White House and State Department on Rising Violence in Israel/Palestine
Since the beginning of 2023, violent conflict has significantly escalated between Israel and Palestine in the occupied West Bank. Over 85 Palestinians, including 16 children, have been killed by Israeli forces and settlers, while at least 14 Israelis, including two children have been killed. Much of this violence is attributed to an increasing series of settler attacks and raids by Israeli forces. The first quarter of the year has seen an additional 300 Palestinians injured through fires set to homes, schools and businesses in the West Bank, which continue to increase in frequency and severity. Read more. 

Contact Your Senators Now: Ask Them to Support the Yemen War Powers Resolution
Right now, over 21 million people in Yemen are in desperate need of humanitarian assistance. Instead of continuing to support the Saudi-led coalition, the Biden Administration must advance policies that will help bring stability and meet the humanitarian needs of the Yemeni people. It is Congress’ responsibility to hold the Biden Administration and Saudi Arabia accountable by passing the Yemen War Powers Resolution.

If you are not able to take action and are registered to vote in the U.S., it is likely because your representative is already supporting this legislation. You can confirm whether your Representative is already a cosponsor by clicking here.

Action Alert: Contact Your Representative Now: Ask Them to Cosponsor the Justice for Shireen Act: On May 11, Shireen Abu Akleh, a journalist wearing a flak jacket with the word PRESS clearly marked, was shot and killed while covering an Israeli military operation in the West Bank city of Jenin. So far, no one has been held accountable for her killing. On November 14, Rep. André Carson introduced the “Justice for Shireen Act” (HR 9291), a bill that will be vital to ensuring a thorough and transparent investigation is carried out. That same day, it was reported that the FBI has opened an investigation into Shireen Abu Akleh’s death. Read more. 

Contact Your Representative Now: End Discriminatory Visa Rules for Entering West Bank: On October 20 the Israeli government will implement new procedures for those seeking to enter the West Bank. First published by Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) in February, and revised in September, these new procedures discriminate severely against those seeking to visit the West Bank and will have a profoundly negative impact, separating Palestinian families, undermining Palestinian education, and subjecting Palestinians and foreign national visitors to intrusive data collection. Take Action

Tell Congress: Cosponsor HRes 751: In the middle of the night on August 18, 2022, Israeli forces raided and ordered closed the offices of the 6 Palestinian Human Rights organizations it earlier designated as “terrorist groups.” Right now it is urgent for Congress to speak out against the attack on human rights defenders in Palestine. Ask your Member of Congress to cosponsor HRes 751, a resolution introduced by Rep. Betty McCollum opposing the declaration of these respected human rights groups as “terrorist organizations.” Learn more and take action.

Ask Your House Member to Cosponsor HR 2590
Congress must make clear that the United States will not provide financial support to the ongoing violation of Palestinian rights. HR 2590 is a necessary start in helping to ensure the United States can be an honest partner for peace for both the Israeli and Palestinian people. Learn More and take action.

Tell Congress to Oppose Planned Demolitions in East Jerusalem: Since the beginning of 2021 demolitions of Palestinian structures in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, have intensified significantly. According to a recent report by UN OCHA, in February alone, “the Israeli authorities demolished, forced people to demolish, or seized 153 Palestinian-owned structures in the West Bank.” This constitutes the fourth-highest figure since OCHA began documenting this data in 2009. Despite the ongoing impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic, demolition threats have increased. Read more. 

Ask Your Representative to Cosponsor the Yemen War Powers Resolution: On June 1, 2022, a bi-partisan Yemen War Powers Resolution ( HJRes 87) was introduced by Reps. DeFazio, Jayapal, Mace, and Schiff, with 41 total cosponsors. Right now, over 21 million people in Yemen are in desperate need of humanitarian assistance. Instead of continuing to support the Saudi-led coalition, the Biden Administration must advance policies that will help bring stability and meet the humanitarian needs of the Yemeni people. Read more.

Urge President Biden to Stand Up for Peace and Justice During His Trip to Israel and Palestine
As President Biden’s July 13-14 visit to Israel and Palestine approaches, events on the ground are propelling the region towards escalating conflict, violence, and suffering. The President must address these issues in his meetings with Israeli and Palestinian leadership. Read more.

Ask Your Congressional Offices to Attend Virtual Briefing on HR 2590: Just over a year ago, Rep. Betty McCollum introduced groundbreaking legislation in support of Palestinian rights. H.R. 2590 ensures U.S. taxpayer funds are not used by the Israeli government to detain and abuse Palestinian children, demolish Palestinian homes and structures, or to further unilaterally annex Palestinian land in the West Bank. On April 26, Representative McCollum and Christian faith leaders will speak at a virtual briefing in support of H.R. 2590 from 3-4:00 pm ET. The briefing will include remarks from Christian leaders as well as the release of a letter in support of H.R. 2590 and a Senate companion bill. Read More.

Tell President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris to oppose violence and evictions in Israel/Palestine: The Biden Administration has consistently said that they will center human rights and rule of law in their foreign policy decisions. They must now put these words into action by intervening directly with the Israeli government to end the violence against Palestinians and stop the planned expulsion of families in Sheikh Jarrah. Your voice is critically important. Please act now as we work to push the Biden Administration to play a proactive role in bringing about justice and peace in Jerusalem and throughout Israel/Palestine. Read more.

Tell the Biden Administration to Immediately Release Funding to UNRWA

As the President of the United States, Joe Biden can release the funding for UNRWA and bilateral assistance to the West Bank and Gaza at his own discretion, as it has already been appropriated by Congress. It is imperative that he hears the support of the American people for the restoration of funding to UNRWA, among many other humanitarian assistance organizations and programs, all of which provide vital aid and relief to Palestinians. Read More.

Tell Your Senators: Restore US Aid to UNRWA Now!

In 2018, the Trump administration announced its decision to cut all US aid to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA). This agency helps administer critical services and resources such as health care, education, and emergency food assistance to Palestinian refugees throughout the Middle East. UNRWA’s work is even more important now as COVID-19 greatly exacerbates the difficult conditions that Palestinian refugees endure. Without US funding, UNRWA is unable to execute its important activities that serve millions of Palestinians. Read More.

Tell Congress: Support H.R. 8050 Israeli Annexation Non-Recognition Act

On Friday, April 14, Rep. Betty McCollum (MN) introduced HR 8050 the Israeli Annexation Non-Recognition Act to prohibit the US’s recognition of Israel’s claim of sovereignty over the occupied West Bank. This act would ensure that the US government neither recognizes nor funds the annexation of any parts of the West Bank. Congresswoman McCollum was joined by Reps. Ocasio-Cortez (NY), Tlaib (MI), Pocan (WI), Omar (MN), Pressley (MA), and Carson (IN). Please contact your House Representative today and ask them to cosponsor this legislation. Read More.

Tell Congress: Say No to Annexation: On April 22, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the decision to annex much of the West Bank was Israel’s to make. With the announcement of an emergency national unity government, Israel is likely to proceed with an annexation vote as early as July 1. Annexation would have a devastating impact on the ground for Palestinians–taking away any realistic opportunity for a Palestinian state and a just resolution to the conflict. Congress must act swiftly and take concrete legislative action to make clear the U.S. government will not fund or otherwise support annexation. Please contact your members of Congress today. Read more.

Tell Congress: Stand for Peace in Israel/Palestine: The Trump Administration’s “Peace to Prosperity” proposal, released in late January, is nothing more than a recipe for continued oppression and injustice. Instead of bringing peace, this proposal moves us further away from a future in which Israelis and Palestinians can live side by side in peace and security with full equality for all. Read more.

Tell Congress: Take Action and Support Palestinian Children’s Human Rights!: Rep. Betty McCollum (MN-4) introduced legislation to prohibit U.S. protect Palestinian children detained in Israel’s military court system from human rights abuses. H.R. 2407, “The Promoting Human Rights for Palestinian Children Living under Israeli Occupation Act,” amends a portion of the U.S. Foreign Assistance Act, known as the Leahy Law, to prohibit any U.S. foreign aid dollars from contributing to “the military detention, interrogation, abuse, or ill-treatment of children in violation of international humanitarian law.” Read more.

Tell Congress: Say No to War with Iran
The assassination of Major General Qasem Soleimani the military commander of Iran’s Quds Force by the U.S. on January 2, has significantly increased tensions with Iran, opening up the very real possibility of war.  A war with Iran would only further destabilize the region and lead to the deaths of countless people. Right now, your elected officials need to hear loudly and clearly that Congress must do everything in its power to prevent war with Iran. Read more. 

Tell Congress: Attend H.R. 2407 Briefing on November 20, 2019
On November 20, the International Day of the Child, Rep. McCollum and Christian leaders from different denominations will gather in support of H.R. 2407 from 10:30-11:30am at a briefing in the U.S. Capitol Visitors Center, Congressional Auditorium and Atrium (CVC Room 200) The briefing will include remarks from Congresswoman McCollum, Christian representatives, and feature the release of a letter in support of H.R. 2407. As your members of Congress to attend this briefing or send a staff person in their place. Read more.

Tell Your Representative: Stand Up For the Right to Boycott
Representatives Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and John Lewis have introduced a resolution affirming that all Americans have the right to participate in boycotts in pursuit of civil and human rights at home and abroad. Let us encourage your representatives to join them in standing up for our civil liberties by cosponsoring H.Res 496! Read more.

Tell Congress: This August Support Palestinian Children and Cosponsor HR 2407! 
Right now, members of Congress are home for the August legislative recess. During this time, they’ll hold town halls, talk to constituents, and decide on their legislative priorities for the rest of the year. Rep. Betty McCollum (MN-4) has introduced legislation to protect Palestinian children detained in Israel’s military court system from human rights abuses. Encourage your representatives to join her in standing up for Palestinian children and cosponsoring H.R. 2407. Currently, the legislation has only been introduced in the house; please also consider asking your senators to introduce companion legislation. Read more.

Tell Congress: Amend the Anti-Terrorism Clarification Act so that Palestinians Can Continue to Receive Humanitarian Aid
When President Trump signed the Anti-Terrorism Clarification Act (ATCA) in October 2018, legal experts warned that it would effectively terminate all U.S. humanitarian aid to the Palestinian territories, putting the lives of the most vulnerable Palestinians at risk and jeopardizing regional security. The Palestinian Authorities’ announcement in January that the new conditions imposed by the ATCA made them unable to accept U.S. humanitarian aid confirms these dire predictions. Read more.

Tell Congress: Attend Congressional Briefing on the impact of cutting of humanitarian funding for Palestinians 
In August, the Trump Administration announced its decision to reprogram over $200 million in aid appropriated by Congress for the Palestinian people. Concurrently, the President announced the suspension of all U.S. funding for UNRWA, the UN agency which provides emergency food, education, and medical services to over 5 million Palestinian refugees. Leading humanitarian, policy, and religious experts will discuss the devastating impact of the funding cuts on Palestinians. They will also discuss steps Congress can take to support a just and comprehensive end to the conflict in Israel-Palestine. Read more.

April 2018: Tell Congress: The Administration Must Stand Up for the Christian Community in Jerusalem and the Holy Land.
In February, the Israeli Knesset first considered legislation that would allow for state expropriation of Church lands. After intense outcry, including the closure of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in protest, and a letter from eighteen U.S. religious leaders,  Prime Minister Netanyahu announced a hold on the legislation and appointed Minister Tzachi Hanegbi to work with all parties, including Church leaders to work toward a solution. After a meeting with Minister Hanegbi in mid September, Church leaders in Jerusalem were stunned to see the legislation once again under consideration in the Knesset. Read more.

Tell Congress: Pressure the Administration to Immediately Restore Critical Humanitarian Assistance to Palestinians

The Trump Administration recently announced its intention to withhold more than $500 million dollars in aid to the Palestinian people through cuts to USAID funded programs in the West Bank and Gaza and a complete end to US funds to UNRWA. These cuts will have a devastating impact on the region, including the most vulnerable Palestinians who rely on the congressionally appropriated funds to receive emergency food assistance, medical services, education, and access to clean water. Read More.

Tell Congress: The Administration’s Peace Plan Must Address the Needs of Palestinians and Israelis

The Trump Administration is preparing to release its long-anticipated peace plan for Israel and Palestine. While little is known about the details of this plan, it is clear that Palestinians do not have a seat at the table. The Administration’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, as well as its current attempt to use humanitarian aid as a bargaining chip, indicate that this deal will not address the needs and realities of Palestinians. Read More.

Tell Congress: Pressure the Administration to Lift the Review on Humanitarian Aid

Earlier this year, the Trump Administration placed a freeze on all aid to the West Bank and Gaza pending an administrative review. This decision accompanies threats of serious cuts to the level of future economic assistance, as well as the denial of funding that has already been appropriated. As of May 2018, the Administration has failed to obligate the promised economic assistance for Palestine for both the 2017 and 2018 fiscal years. Read More.

Tell Congress: Stand with the People of Gaza

On Friday, March 30 and continuing over the weekend, 30,000 Palestinians participated in demonstrations along the Gaza fence in observance of “Land Day,”: a nonviolent act of political protest commemorating the death of six Palestinians during the general strike of 1976. In response, Israel used live fire to suppress unarmed protest resulting in 18 fatalities and at least 1,400 casualties. Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP) strongly denounces the use of violence and grieves for all those who were killed and injured. Read More.

Tell Congress: Support a Shared Jerusalem

On December 6, 2017, President Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel in preparation for moving the U.S. embassy there from Tel Aviv. During his address to the Israeli Knesset on January 22, Vice President Pence announced that this move will be completed by the end of 2019. This decision goes against 70 years of U.S. foreign policy consensus that the embassy should remain in Tel Aviv. Relocating the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem constitutes a grave threat to future peace by legitimizing Israel’s claims to East Jerusalem. CMEP supports a negotiated settlement agreement agreed upon by Israelis and Palestinians: a shared Jerusalem with West Jerusalem serving as the Israeli capital and East Jerusalem serving as the Palestinian capital. Read More.

Tell Congress: Protect Aid to Palestinian Refugees

Since its inception, the US has been a strong financial supporter of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), the sole UN agency working with Palestinian refugees. In 2017, the United States provided over $350 million dollars in support. However, in January 2018, the U.S. announced it would decrease funding to UNRWA by 83%. This announcement followed a recent decision made by the Palestine Liberation Organization’s (PLO) Central Council to consider the Oslo Peace Accord no longer valid and their intention to suspend their recognition of the state of Israel. Even prior to this decision, the U.S. Administration threatened to cut US aid to the Palestinian people. Read More.

Tell Congress: Jerusalem is a Final Status Issue!

President Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and announced his intention to begin preparations for moving the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. This unilateral recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital constitutes a grave threat to future peace. Stand with the people of the Holy Land – Jewish, Christian, and Muslim – in pursuit of lasting peace. Tell Congress that the occupation of East Jerusalem must end and remind your Members that Jerusalem is a final status issue and its boundaries must be determined within a peace agreement between Israelis and Palestinians. Read More.

Promoting Human Rights for Palestinian Children

Congresswoman Betty McCollum has introduced legislation to promote the human rights of Palestinian children! Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP) strongly endorses Rep. Betty McCollum’s Promoting Human Rights by Ending Israeli Military Detention of Palestinian Children Act. In order for the U.S. to play a constructive role in bringing about a comprehensive and sustainable end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, we must ensure we are not supporting the continued trauma inflicted on Palestinian youth entangled in the Israeli military detention system. Read More.