Praying for a Lasting Peace

by Natalie Wisely, World Vision

After more than seven weeks of fighting, an open-ended ceasefire agreement was reached between Israel, the Palestinian Authority, and armed groups in Gaza on Tuesday, August 26.

We are thankful for the ceasefire and that children and families can rebuild their lives without the fear of violence. We know that many difficult issues are still being discussed, and hope both sides will come to an agreement that allows for humanitarian access for those affected.

Our prayer is that the current agreement will be a stepping stone toward a lasting peace. We know that coming to peaceful terms can be a long and arduous process, so we go before the Lord asking for his wisdom and guidance for the leaders of the region. We also pray for families and communities that have been affected by the conflict and are now rebuilding their lives.


Pray for Peace

Lord, we thank you for a long-term ceasefire agreement. We pray that this agreement is honored by all involved so that peace can be firmly established. Bless this region with a spirit of justice and forgiveness, brotherhood and friendship, and bring an end to strife and violence in all communities.

Pray for Communities Affected by the Conflict

Lord, we ask that You would help all communities be restored as rebuilding begins. Provide funds and resources to those who have very little. Let a spirit of generosity encourage people to donate to rebuilding efforts. Bless Palestinians and Israelis with completely restored homes and neighborhoods.

Pray for Families Who Have Suffered Injury or Loss

Lord, we grieve with families who have lost parents, siblings, relatives, or friends in the violence. Help families and communities assist children who are suffering emotionally from the death of someone dear to them. Heal those who have been injured as You guide those caring for their wounds. Bless Palestinians and Israelis with hearts and minds comforted by Your love.


There is a great need right now in the region. If you would like to get involved, here are some ways by which you can do so:

If you would like to learn more about the current situation in Gaza, OCHA releases situation reports, which can be found at:

If you would like to support families and children in need, one opportunity to do so is available through World Vision’s Gaza Emergency Response. Your gift will help provide urgently needed medical supplies to private hospitals, as well as food and hygiene kits to displaced families. It will also support our Child-Friendly spaces, which give children in Gaza the opportunity to play, express their feelings, and receive counseling as they overcome the traumatic events they’ve experienced.

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