Praying Boldly for Peace

by Elli Atchison, World Vision

As the hype around the Israeli elections comes to a close, the watching world questions if new peace talks are possible in the near future. The international community has been supportive over the years. They have encouraged the peace process and provided financial and diplomatic aid to protect Israel’s security and democracy in the region. However, frustration seems to be growing and patience is getting thin. There are many questions about the future of the Holy Land, but the one thing that is certain is that status quo of life in Israel and the Palestinian Territories cannot continue.

All people living in the Holy Land have unmet needs. Israelis want to feel safe and secure. Palestinians want live in freedom without the occupation.  All want economic opportunities that will improve the lifestyles of their families and their hopes for a better future. These are common needs and basic desires from two groups of people who were created by the same God.

I think people around the world want to see peace come to the Holy Land. But most feel this is an unachievable dream. I disagree. Not because I have faith in the words of any politician, but because I have faith in the word of God. 1 John 5:14-15 reminds us, “We live in the bold confidence that God hears our voices when we ask for things that fit His plan.  And if we have no doubt that He hears our voices, we can be assured that He moves in response to our call.”  Be assured that no one wants to see peace in the Holy Land more than God.

The votes are in. The leaders were chosen. The task is great. The mandate is clear. The time is now. As people of prayer, there has never been a more critical time to join together and exercise our prayers for peace.  Oswald Chambers said, “Prayer does not always equip us for greater works, prayer is the greater work.”  There is a lot of work to be done. Let us do our part, humbly on our knees.


Heavenly Father,

All honor and glory are yours. We are humbled to have the privilege to come before you. Your Holy Word has taught us that there is power in prayer. Ordinary people throughout Scripture have prayed in ways that have changed the world. It is in faith that we too claim this power.

First, we pray for all world leaders, especially Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Abbas. We know that to whom much has been given much, much will be expected (Luke 12:48). Their responsibilities and burdens are great. We ask that you give them wisdom and servants’ hearts to do what is right for all people (1 Kings 3:9).

Next we lift up the Israeli and Palestinian people. Help them see that they are neighbors, sadly separated by politics. Both groups are wounded by deep pain of the past, and both are suffering in the present-day situation. Give them a spirit of forgiveness and a greater love for You and each other (Mark 12:30-31).

Finally Lord, we pray for ourselves. Help us to be Your agents of peace and reconciliation, seeking to love without taking sides. Hear our ceaseless prayer for hope and healing to come to the land You love. We thank you that you are a God of justice, giving grace and boundless compassion to those who call on You for help (Isaiah 30:18).

In Jesus name we pray,


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