Prayers4Peace: Christian Unity in Responsibility

The work of the World Student Christian Federation- Middle East (WSCF-ME) in the pursuit of peace and Christian unity throughout the Middle East.

By: Mira G. Neaimeh

WSCF-ME (World Student Christian Federation- Middle East) has been and still is engaged in the peace processes in the Middle East since its inception 60 years ago. As an integral part of this region, WSCF-ME found itself automatically involved in the advocacy for the rights of its members and youth, as well as the education around the different aspects of peace and their ways of implementation within specific communities. Thus, peace processes are all part and parcel of our identity in this turbulent area, with a tireless quest for this so-called “peace” and its manifestation in our different countries alongside church and local communities.

Under the umbrella of Peace Building & Overcoming Violence, WSCF-ME has been at the forefront of developing different programs and encounters. Those programs range from Capacity Building Trainings to Leadership Trainings, to Interfaith Dialogues and Women’s Empowerment Programs. All those programs aim to grow the seeds of peace through dialogue and encounter diverging across the main pillars being: youth, development, women, and interfaith, where the concept of peace might differ in details but not in application.

Given that peace is a collective responsibility, each one of us is asked to carry the flag of social justice, become the voice of the voiceless, and never turn a blind eye to the wrongs of the world.
Although distance might hinder our in-person support, Christians have a responsibility to create the peaceful change we so desire to see in situations like the war in Syria, non-peaceful acts in Sudan, turmoil in Iraq, and crises in Lebanon; we also must continue to advocate against apartheid in Palestine. We cannot skirt our responsibility, as this is our Christian duty following His saying in Revelations 3:16: “So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.”

While our endeavor is to live in a more peaceful environment, I pray that we remember that we are peace messengers. This must remain true even when our understanding of peace varies as per our contexts, geopolitical situation, religious background, and other variables. One thing remains constant in our Christian understanding of peace: that peace is tightly linked to Christ’s love, and love cannot flourish and replenish if it fails to be a pure embodiment of equality, justice, and fairness.

Let us pray together:

“Almighty God and Creator, You are the Father of all people on the earth. Guide, I pray, all the nations and their leaders in the ways of justice and peace. Protect us from the evils of injustice, prejudice, exploitation, conflict, and war. Help us to put away mistrust, bitterness, and hatred. Teach us to cease the storing and using of implements of war. Lead us to find peace, respect and freedom. Unite us in the making and sharing of tools of peace against ignorance, poverty, disease and oppression. Grant that we may grow in harmony and friendship as brothers and sisters created in Your image, to Your honor and praise. Amen.”

So, let there be peace, as peace is the undeniable manifestation of love in this world.

About the Author: Mira G. Neaimeh is the Regional Executive of the World Student Christian Federation (WSCF-ME), working out of Lebanon. For more about the WSCF-ME, visit their site here

The above post is a condensed version of Mira G. Neaimeh’s webinar with CMEP during the 2023 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Watch the full webinar above.

Any views or opinions contained herein are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP).

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