Dooley Noted

There are times when things that may seem opposite are really two sides of the same coin. Dichotomies surround us – light vs. darkness, us vs. them, good vs. evil, right vs. wrong, justice vs. injustice. However, the observation can be made that without the concept of light there would be no concept of darkness, without war there would be no understanding of peace, and so on. These sets of understanding are often used in divisive ways rather than bonding.

Dooley Noted, a recently published book, written by Ken Dooley, chronicles “tales of an ordinary man fortunate enough to meet a lot of extraordinary people in his lifetime.” The excerpt below highlights the work of two men who may be painted into a particular “set” but even so, their work is toward a just peace, and where there is division they provide examples of agreement, connection, and unity.

When faced with division, may we seek unity.

In the face of darkness, may we be light.

In times of desperation, may we bring calm.

Where there is scrutiny, misunderstanding, and fear, may we bring contemplation, understanding, and courage.

David Maloof is a member of CMEP’s Leadership Council

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