Pray alongside us with the blog


P4P provides a way for Christians of diverse political and theological backgrounds to stand up for peace and unite in supplication to God with a special focus on prayers for the Holy Land. P4P provides Jesus’ followers with the common language of prayer around which to mobilize their energy and passion for the land that gave birth to our faith.

Advent 2022: Fourth Sunday

Collective PrayerKelley Nikondeha Herod loomed large as the visible representative of Roman authority in Judea. Known for his cruelty to citizens and family alike, for

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Advent 2022: Third Sunday

LamentKelley Nikondeha The days before the first advent were dark and loud with suffering. Empires pounded the land of Israel and Judea incessantly with militaristic

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Prayers4Peace: Chokehold

Chokehold: Dispossession, Domination, and Systematic Disintegration of the Palestinian PeopleBy Susan Nchubiri, Ecumenical Accompanier in Jerusalem According to a report by B’Tselem, in 1967, Israel

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