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Spiritual Resources

To help us in this work of faith, CMEP has created and gathered a variety of spiritual, and educational resources for individual and communal use to help engage your congregation in learning and reflection. Together, we hope to engage and act upon our Christian calling to be peacemakers.

Prayers for Peace (P4P) Blog

To combat the prevailing images of discord, CMEP's Prayers for Peace blog highlights peacebuilders as they live out the reconciliation offered in the Prophets and Jesus’ message of peace, and invites us into communal prayer.

Faithful Resilience: A Lenten Sojourn for Peace

Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP) offers this Lenten devotional series entitled “Faithful Resilience: A Lenten Sojourn for Peace” which is available on our Prayers4Peace blog. This devotional series contains devotions for each Sunday of Lent focusing on Hebrews 12: 1-2:

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith, who for the sake of the joy that was set before him endured the cross, disregarding its shame, and has taken his seat at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12: 1-2 (ESV)

In Everlasting Light, Justice Shines

Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP) is pleased to present this Advent devotional series entitled “In Everlasting Light, Justice Shines,” which is available for purchase for you or your church group. This devotional book contains devotions for each Sunday of Advent as well as the week leading up to Christmas, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day.

If you would like to order a print-on-demand booklet of all of the devotions, you may purchase one copy or a copy for your entire Bible study group with the button below! There are price breaks when ordering in bulk, and any profit will go toward future publications and CMEP’s work toward Realizing God’s Perfect Peace.

Realizing God's Perfect Peace

Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP) is pleased to present this Lenten devotional series entitled “Realizing God’s Perfect Peace” which is available for purchase for you or your church group. This devotional book contains spiritual practices and reflections written by our staff for Ash Wednesday, each Sunday of Lent, and each day of Holy Week.

Embodying God's Peace Plan

Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP) is pleased to have partnered with author Kelley Nikondeha to create a devotional series entitled “The First Advent: Embodying God’s Peace Plan” that is available for purchase for you or your church group. This devotional book contains devotionals for each Sunday of Advent, including Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, as well as Alternative Advent Practices written by members of
CMEP’s staff.

Prayer and advocacy concerning peacemaking in the Holy Land is born from our faith in Jesus Christ. As Christians from across the theological spectrum we share a common passion and call given to us by God; a call which lived, died and was resurrected for us in Jesus, and; a call which is continually strengthened and guided by the Holy Spirit. To help us in this work of faith CMEP has created and gathered a variety of spiritual, and educational resources for individual and communal use to help engage your congregation in learning and reflection. Together, we hope to engage and act upon our Christian calling to be peacemakers. CMEP’s current resources include our Prayers for Peace (P4P) blog and seasonal devotions for Lent and Advent.

Lent & Advent

Lent 2020: Equal in God’s Eyes Lent 2019: Persistent Hope Advent 2018: Take Courage: In the Midst of Injustice, Advocate for Peace (Download Devotional PDF) Lent 2018: Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem Advent 2017: Choose Hope Lent 2017: Jesus Was No Stranger Advent 2016: Light in Darkness